Let’s get you good with money.

(Fun fact: It’s almost never an earning problem).


Hello, First-Gen Friend,

 You’re good — really good — at what you do.

Nothing lights you up more than being in your creative element. 

You’ve created work you’re really proud of and you’ve been recognized for it: 

  • You’ve gotten awards and reviews that make you go, “YEAH, my work is that good!”

  • You feel the flow when you’re in your work

  • Your peers talk about you when you’re not there — they say kind things about your commitment to your craft and it makes its way back to you

But when it comes to MONEY (oh, that dreaded word) . . .

It feels like the DARK, HEAVY side of this work that otherwise lights you up.

  • You wonder why your peers are able to make money while you can’t. Your work is as good as anyone’s! You’re tired of working so hard and not earning more.

  • You obsess over the cost of hiring someone for an upcoming project. You rationalize doing the work yourself even though you’ll be exhausted and won’t even be good at it.

  • You feel embarrassed about not having saved more money for the future. But you tell yourself that you chose a life of creative work, not money.

All of this is wearing you down. And it’s making you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing around money.

I want you to know there’s nothing wrong with you.

There are things going on in our culture that affect us to our bones.
You may think you’re the one with the problem but . . . 

  • Toxic capitalism

    Productivity and profits are the norm in our capitalist society. That’s why you’ve learned to identify with work and how much money you make. That’s why you feel bad when you’re uncomfortable around money. Nope! It’s just that capitalism has taught you to tie your self worth to money.

  • Money discrimination

    For people with marginalized identities, money and the power that goes with it have historically been kept out of reach. GENERATIONS have been on the receiving end of these attitudes. So it’s not surprising that you’ve internalized messages that money isn’t something you should feel comfortable around.

  • Money taboos

    Studies show that people would rather talk about their sex lives than their money lives! Money talk is “impolite” and “personal.” When you do hear talk about money, it’s often in the dry, tedious language of spreadsheets and calculations. It’s really not how we experience money.

  • Generational Expectations

    Description goes here

The result of this triple-whammy is that money feels confusing and out of your reach.


It feels bad to use money to take care of yourself and for your pleasure. 

You may even hold yourself back from more success because of these cultural messages.


I want you to know that you can have AGENCY when it comes to money — even with this cultural programming.

When you get CLEAR on your priorities and purpose instead of putting out fires, your decisions become easier. 

When you become AWARE of your feelings, behaviors and beliefs around money, you realize they don’t have to control you

When you understand that you’re not flawed or lack some “money gene” — that your thoughts are simply a product of society and your experiences — you can RECLAIM YOUR POWER.

If you’re wondering how I know this to be true, let me introduce myself . . .


Hi, I’m Erica Ando, and
I’m a Money Behavior Coach

I work with Creatives, Dreamers, Seekers and Do-ers
— humans like you —
who are amazing at what they do.


I’ve been working with artists and creatives for over 20 years as an artist, designer and business owner. And as a woman, Asian-American, a child of immigrants and a single mom of a nonbinary kid, I’m aware of the money challenges we can face as humans in the world. 


I’m also a cat lover, cat herder, urban bird watcher and avid fiction reader and listener.

Early in my work life, I built a 6-figure design business while hustling myself into burnout

What I understand now is that money isn’t just about numbers. 

The social, emotional and spiritual sides of money are just as important and are actually the drivers of money behaviors. 

That’s why I want to help you change your relationship with money . . .
so that you can thrive.

On a pure numbers level, this can mean earning more, getting out of chronic debt cycles, not overspending or underspending and investing regularly. 


But the lasting, profound results you get from Money Behavior Coaching are internal.


You earn more without overworking yourself.

You honor and spend on what’s important to you and cut out what’s not.

You begin to build wealth by being true to a vision of your future self.

You also feel calmer and better able to handle business fluctuations and life’s ups-and-downs.

You feel more expansive so you can make more money, have more impact and occupy positions of power without guilt.


I’ve seen time and again that past experiences don’t have to dictate your future relationship with money.


And because I believe in your ability to claim power and have agency around money, I’ve created this program for you:


Inspired Money Coaching

A 6-month, one-on-one coaching program tailored to your needs

Whether you’re looking for help with your personal or business money:

  • You’ll make money decisions more easily

  • You’ll break through your own money ceilings instead of holding yourself back from having more success

  • You’ll do the important work you feel called to do AND get paid for it

  • You’ll gain financial literacy in clear language that doesn’t feel disconnected from your life

  • You’ll have conversations about money that feel productive and generative — because you’ll gain confidence around money


“When I first started working with Erica, I was lacking clarity and a vision for my business. I had days of procrastination and not feeling motivated.

I broke through the financial ceiling I’d had for 3 years. Working with Erica helped me break through because of the confidence piece. 

I trust my creative process, trust my voice, trust the direction I’m going in. I just trust the journey more.”

— Weatherly Stroh



“My resistance around money has turned into curiosity. There’s a softness when it comes to money. My doubts around money aren’t at the forefront of my identity anymore.

I'm no longer ashamed of asking for money for my art. Artists deserve money and there’s a straight line to collecting that money.”

— Neelam Patel


Inspired Money coaching isn’t about financial planning or accounting.

It isn’t about magical thinking or manifestation, either. 


It’s about your confidence, resourcefulness and enoughness when it comes to money. 

It’s about the way you live your life day-to-day, the choices you make AND the way you express yourself. 

In Inspired Money coaching, we get to know YOU . . . what makes your heart sing and what you feel called to do. 

Inspired Money coaching blends your greatest priorities with practical strategies and financial literacy so that you’ll be grounded, resourced and aligned in all the ways you engage with money.  


When you’re not being controlled by habitual behaviors around money, you have agency in your life. 

In our 6 months together, you’ll learn new skills and unlearn old habits.

  • You’ll learn how to make value-based decisions rather than fear-based decisions

  • You’ll deprogram from disempowering beliefs around money, power, success and identity

  • You’ll learn how to engage with your numbers in a generative, constructive way

  • You’ll learn how to be aware of your habitual feelings and behaviors around money so they aren’t controlling you

I use my toolkit of paradigm shifting inquiry, somatic work and visualizations to help you make behavior shifts

And I apply these tools throughout my 3-step Inspired Money Methodology so you can change your relationship with money

1 Clarity

  • You’ll get clear on your current situation, behaviors, beliefs and emotions around what’s challenging you

  • You’ll understand that your current behaviors aren’t permanent and that you can change

  • We do all of this gently and with compassion because beating yourself up doesn’t make lasting positive changes

2 Your Mission and Values

  • You’ll connect with your true mission and your highest values

  • You’ll become clear about how you want to show up in the world

  • You’ll learn that your relationship with money can reflect your highest purpose

3 Paradigm Shift

  • You’ll build skills so you can shift your behaviors towards what’s most important to you 

  • You’ll create systems and habits so that you don’t have to rely on day-to-day motivation



Zoom calls 3 times a month and the 4th week for integration


For your questions, accountability, a-ha moments, celebrations and checking in as you need


Between calls to keep you on track and moving forward

What happens in an Inspired Money session?

We work together to unpack what’s challenging you. 

If you’ve wanted to earn more and don’t understand why you haven’t been able to, we figure it out. We look at your habitual behaviors around money and earning. We look at the societal messages you’ve internalized.

Or, you may find yourself in a tough situation because you’ve overbooked yourself while undercharging. We figure out the predominant behaviors and beliefs that got you here. 


We then create a strategy to make a shift according to your values and true mission.


This may look like raising your fees to be aligned with the quality of your work. It may look like communicating to your clients in a new, clear way. It may look like reassessing your energy levels and other commitments so you can decide what’s most important. 

We make a plan for you that takes into account YOUR LIFE and YOUR VALUES. We don’t use one-size-fits-all plans or do what society says you “SHOULD” do.


“Oh my god. I can’t even begin to tell you what Erica’s program has done for me. I feel so much more alive and engaged in everything. 

Erica met me where I was without preconceived ideas of where I should be, or even where I should go.

She takes the time to listen and ask questions to draw out your deepest thoughts, and your journey is aligned with who you are.

That is the most impactful thing a coach can do for you.”

— Samina Hasan



“I read the business books and how-to’s and they’re just so generic. It rarely feels applicable or achievable or quite honestly, even fun.

Erica has invaluable insights and a breadth of knowledge and experience. She has the wisdom to tailor sessions to each individual. And that, to me, is what's so special about working with her. 

I’ve brought back fun, pleasure and enjoyment to my work.”

— Michelle A.M. Miller


What happens between sessions?


You’ll carry out your plan. You might also have specific journaling prompts to answer in order to have a deeper understanding of your behaviors. 

You’ll have Voxer support. Contact me with questions, aha moments, celebrations, for accountability, or if you just want to check in between sessions.


    Zoom calls 3 times a month and the 4th week for integration

    For your questions, a-ha moments, celebrations, accountability and checking in as you need

    Between calls to keep you on track

    payment plans available

How to get started


Step 1


Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call


Step 2


Fill out a short pre-call questionnaire to prepare for our meeting.


Step 3


We’ll meet via Zoom about your situation and see if we’re a good fit for working together.

If we decide we want to work together, we’ll talk about the next steps. If we’re not a good fit, I’ll give you my thoughts so that you have next steps on your money journey.


Your investment in money coaching gives you returns long after the program has ended.


We’ll address long-standing money behaviors so that you can create a joyful, sustainable career and life. 

Instead of driving yourself hard and working according to other people’s demands, you’ll create a schedule that works for you AND charge enough so that you can rest and play. 

Instead of taking any work that comes your way, you’ll do what lights you up AND pays you well.


“I hit my money goals and took on projects that I really liked and were a good fit.

I found that I can rest and that my business doesn’t fall apart when I take a break. In order for me to create a sustainable business, it needs to include rest.

I created three times as much work in three months as I did the whole year before. I know I did that by resting more.

Working with Erica was like giving a gift to myself. You don’t have to do it all by yourself.”

— Kim Heise



“Through Erica’s guidance, I decided to start Little Lau Shop, a product line that honors and celebrates everyone’s inner child.

I pushed past my baggage with money and being financially stable. I was able to awaken an entrepreneurial spirit and create a business plan that has helped me create a sustainable art practice for the future. 

I have a better understanding of planning for the long term, treating my work like a business, financial projections, marketing and honoring my work and what it offers to others.”

— Nikki Lau


You don’t have to give up your highest values when you know your way around money. 


You can hold positions of authority with grace and generosity. 

Your new relationship with money will amplify what’s important to you.


“I have really strong beliefs about systems of oppression that are in place for people of color, queer people and women. Although they're great ideas, they were getting in the way of advocating for myself.

I don’t feel like I’ve had to sacrifice my anti-capitalist values. Talking about money during the sessions made me recognize what was and wasn’t serving me and my communities.”

— Geoffrey Solomon


If you know it’s time to advocate for yourself too, it’s time for your Inspired Money transformation

If you WANT to do this coaching, but your brain is telling you to wait for “later” . . . 

I really get it — It can feel scary to think about money and talk about it.

You might be asking, "Is this right for me?" “Is this going to work for me?” (which makes sense, right — I know you DON'T want to make a financial mistake)

You might even think you want to be in a “better place” before you start coaching — that place where you’re making more money, you have more time or have a better handle on your finances.

These are all normal thoughts.

We're taught that:

. . . if you're uncomfortable around money, you've done something wrong and you should hide your troubles.

. . . you're supposed to DIY it and pull yourself up by the bootstraps and just keep at it.

. . . you're not supposed to invest in yourself (you're supposed to be supporting everyone else).

None of these thoughts mean you shouldn’t get support.

And I want you to get the support that’s right for you.

If you have questions about whether I’m the right coach or this is the program for you, schedule a Discovery Call so I can answer them, so you can make the right decision for you.



Because it’s not just possible to CREATE money, HAVE money and STEWARD money with grace.

It’s your birthright.

6 months of Zoom sessions 3 times a month plus action steps and support in between, tailored to you

payment plans available